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Timbertop Farm, Maidstone Road, Sidcup, Kent DA14 5AR
Tel: 020 8300 8506



At the time of booking we will require you to give us sufficient information to allow us to take good care of your dog. This will include its name, breed, sex, age and date of vacinations.


We will also need to have contact details for your usual veterinary surgeon together with information about any special medication, dietary or exercise requirements and, if a bitch, the date of its Season.




 All animals must have been fully vacinated with an up to date certificate covering the period of boarding.



In the event of your pet being taken ill, the kennels' veterinary surgeon will be called to administer any treatment necessary and all fees incurred will be the responsibility of the animal's owner.



No responsibility or guarantee of return can be made for any items (bedding etc) left at the kennels.



All charges are per day and include day in and also day out.



Owners may collect and deliver between 9:00am and 3.30pm. Outside these hours is by special arrangement and may incur an extra charge.



 Viewing can take place between 10:00am and 3.30pm on most days except public holidays.



 You agree to board your animal at the above kennels on the understanding that, although every possible care and attention will be taken, the boarding kennel owners accept no responsibilty. You further agree that if the animal is not collected within fourteen days of the date on which it is due to leave the kennels and no communication is received from you by the boarding kennel owners your authority is given to sell or otherwise dispose of the animal at the boarding kennel owners' discretion.



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